Arm and Thigh Lift Surgery

Arm and thigh lift surgeries are procedures performed for the purpose of improvement when excessive weight fluctuations are observed in both regions and the skin loses its elasticity due to aging.
Conditions such as loosening of the subcutaneous tissues in the arms and legs of the people and an increase in the adipose tissue may require surgical intervention.
Arm lift surgery, also known as Brachioplasty, is more common among women over the age of 40, but can also be applied to men who experience sagging skin due to aging. It can also be performed on people with sagging arm skin due to loss of skin elasticity after excessive weight loss. Thigh lift is also applied to people who are uncomfortable for similar reasons.
Preparation Process Before Arm and Thigh Lift Surgery
Some preparations should be made before arm and thigh lift surgeries. These are very important to ensure that the surgery is performed safely and successfully and to help speed up the recovery period. Below is detailed information about the preparations to be made before arm and thigh lift surgeries.
- Consultation: Before the operation, it is necessary to get information about the details of the operation by meeting with a specialist surgeon. In this meeting, information about the benefits, risks, expected results and recovery process of the procedure can be obtained.
- Evaluation of Health Status: A series of tests may be performed to evaluate the general health status of the person who is a candidate for these procedures. Blood tests, EKG, lung function tests, and other medical evaluations are some of them.
- Quitting Smoking and Alcohol use: These habits can have negative effects on the success of the surgery and the healing period. For this reason, it is recommended that the patient quit or take a break from smoking and alcohol use before the operation.
- Drug use: The person should inform the doctor about the medicines they take routinely. For example, some drugs that carry a risk of bleeding may need to be interrupted before surgery.
- Nutrition: The candidate for the arm or thigh lift surgery is recommended to follow a healthy diet and consume adequate amounts of water.
- Supportive Clothes: Some special clothes that the patient use after the surgery must be ready before the operation. This help reduces swelling and pain after surgery.
How Are Arm and Thigh Lift Surgery Performed?
Arm and thigh lift surgeries are mostly performed under general anesthesia. Before the operation, the patient's entire body is sterilized and their heart rate and blood pressure are closely monitored.
The procedures performed in arm lift surgery generally include the area from the armpit to the elbow area. Thigh lift surgery covers the site from the groin to the kneecap. During the operation, the skin and the adipose tissue underneath are stretched and excess skin and adipose tissue are removed. The skin is then sutured to the stretched area.
Arm and thigh lift surgeries take a few hours on average. After surgery, patients may need to be observed in the hospital for several days. In the post-op period, patients may have pain. It is normal to see slight swelling and bruising. Pain and swelling are reduced by methods such as painkillers and ice compresses prescribed by the doctor.
Arm and thigh lift surgeries are very common procedures and give the desired results when performed correctly by specialists.
Recovery Period After Arm and Thigh Lift Surgery
The recovery process after arm and thigh lift surgeries may vary depending on the general health status of the patient, the scope of the operation, and technical details. But in general, the healing period takes 6-8 weeks.
For the first few days after surgery, it is important for patients to rest and restrict their movements to help the wounds heal. The patient can move even immediately after surgery but should avoid excessive physical activities.
During recovery, it is recommended that patients pay attention to the clothes they wear. Some special garments are used to reduce swelling after surgery and to help wounds heal. Wounds require care to heal. For wound care, the doctor gives specific instructions to the person.
Pain, swelling, and bruises that can be seen during the healing period are normal. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce these issues with methods such as painkillers and cold compress.
In the post-op period, patients should go for regular check-ups. In this way, the healing of the wounds is monitored and possible complications are detected early.
The recovery process after arm and thigh lift surgeries is very decisive on the permanence of the results, and patients should follow the doctor's recommendations, make adequate rest, supportive clothing, and wound care. In this way, possible risks are minimized and undesirable results after surgery are prevented.
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